EGGZ PRO - Drummer

What's The Difference Between EGGZ Discreet & EGGZ PRO?
EGGZ Pro range is made for anyone wanting to take there hearing protection game to the next level. Usually, when anyone looks to invest more in earplugs the only option they have is custom molded earplugs that can be in excess of £150
EGGZ Pro are considerably cheaper than the price of custom molded earplugs and provide as good if not better in sound clarity.
Using patented technology this is a game changer in the hearing protection world and contains the same type of acoustic filters that are used by many professional musicians custom ear moulded earplugs.
Patented membrane filter technology provides the core of protection ensuring clarity of sound with full music dynamic whilst allowing speech to be heard. EGGZ PRO provides you a tuned, flat attenuation response so all frequencies are reduced by the same level, which makes it the best high fidelity hearing protection on the market
Additional Information
Protection noise reduction of 25dB providing a tuned, flat attenuation response so all frequencies are reduced by almost the same level, great for music as the listener loses nothing of the original sound, it’s just brought down to a safe level
Size- Discreet Liquid Silicon Rubber Eggz earplug fits most adult ears, removal is easy with the small tug provided on the earplug
Environment - Drummers and musicians with extremely loud PA• Heavy Metal• Drum and Bass• Dubstep• Hardstyle
30 Day Money Back Guarantee - If you don't enjoy simply return and your money back